Friday, February 20, 2015

Korean Loanwords Reading Practice

When I just finished learning Hangeul and was lost on where to go next, I decided to practice reading Korean. Only problem was my vocabulary skills are limited and I didn't really know where to start. I googled "Korean reading practice" and found this page! I found these very useful, but was sad when there wasn't anymore.

So, after lots of searching for Korean-English loanwords, I made my own! They're divided into eight parts, each with eleven words.

Loanwords are words borrowed by one language from a different language. Try to read aloud the Korean words to the left and match them with the English on the right!

This exercise is meant to help you associate each letter with its sound, but you could use it to learn vocabulary. I will warn you though, that these words may not be the most commonly used translation of the word, so I'd recommend using other sources. :)

These eight pages are available in a print-able PDF format which you can download here!
They're also available right below: